
"And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing." (Mathew 6:28)

Produced in 1963 Lilies of the Field is one of my all time favorite movies. Sidney Poitier brilliantly portrays Homer Smith, a wandering handy-man. Homer encounters a group of East German nuns living in the desert who believe he has been sent by God to build them a chapel. At the end Homer says that he has built them a chapel but the strict Mother Superior corrects him saying, "God built the chapel." This is a great reminder that all works should be done unto God and that without God nothing is possible.
1/27/2011 03:42:10 am

I am really intrigued by this movie! I have never seen it. Guess I'd better fix that.


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